Normally the parietal and visceral pleura slide against each other
- Look at the pleural line just under the rib
- Shimmer of the surfaces sliding (Video 1)
- Line of pearls
A pneumothorax will allow air between the pleural surfaces
- No sliding (Video 2)
- Loss of signal after parietal pleura
- Will still see the white line of parietal pleura but no shimmer
- Compare to other side to see normal lung sliding
- Can be harder to diagnose with bilateral pneumothorax
Look for lung point
- Unless complete collapse there will be a lung point
- Transition where pleural surfaces separate
- See change from sliding to no-sliding (Video 3 and 4)
M-mode can confirm pneumothorax
- Normal M-mode-Seashore (Figure 1)
- Abnormal loss of signal, sometimes called Barcode sign (Figure 2)
Figure 1 - Normal M-mode (Seashore)
Figure 2 - Abnormal M-mode (Barcode)